Best Apps to Download for Your Big Trip!

There are so many apps available for all your travel needs, but it can be hard to figure out which ones are worth your time (and sometimes your money too!) Below are some of the key apps that helped me over the past year of backpacking - particularly TripIt and Rome2Rio for all the hopping from place to place.

Trip Planning

TripIt - this has been a lifeline for me! The app imports all of your bookings through your email booking confirmations and creates a planner for you so everything can be in one place.


Beem - This app allows you to instantly transfer money to users who also have an account. As a backpacker you’re meeting new people all the time and going out for meals and drinks etc, so having something like this so you can quickly send each other money that you owe is a big win!

Splitwise - Splitwise is a similar concept to Beem, except you can directly transfer money through it. When I was travelling with big groups of people for longer periods of time, it was a useful way to keep track of who owed who money. It even does the maths for you of adding/subtracting so you know the total owed at the end.


Skyscanner - A go to for booking flights!

Omio - This app allows you to book and compare different modes of transport to find the best prices. You can book through this platform too.

Rome2Rio - One of my favourite discoveries on this trip. Rome2Rio shows you all the different travel options to get you from one place to another - which ones are cheaper, or more time effective.

BlaBlaCar - I’d never heard of BlaBla in Australia, but it’s quite popular in Europe! It’s like Uber but for your every day gal (or bloke!). People who are travelling to a certain location put it in the app and say how many seats are available, then you can join the journey and chip in on petrol and such!


MAPS.ME - If you’re not sure about your access to internet, this is a lifesaver. It allows you to download maps offline so you can find your way around without data.

Citymapper - I found this most useful in London, but it also has options for many major cities in Europe!


GetYourGuide - I booked most of my activities, such as a canal cruise in Amsterdam, and a walking tour in Belfast, through GetYourGuide. They have such a wide range of options to choose from, and can keep all your information in your account on the app.


HostelWorld - I love how easy to use HostelWorld is, and also the chat function for when you book with a hostel! This made solo travel a little easier, and ensured I could connect with people in the hostel, even before I had gotten there.

Worldpackers - I found a one month volunteering opportunity through this app. It allowed me to live and work in the small coastal town of Noordwijk in the Netherlands, in exchange for accomodation and food.

Trusted Housesitters - I absolutely love animals, and miss my gorgeous doggo Bailey so much, which is why I think Trusted Housesitters is an absolute dream! You get free accomodation in exchange for a fluffy friend.

Hotel Tonight - If you’re in need of some last minute accomodation, Hotel Tonight is a great app to use to book cheap last minute deals! I used this a few times and stayed in some great, affordable hotels in cities like Vienna and Dublin.


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