Solo Female Travel
Travelling alone as a female can feel like walking around with a target on your back, but if you are prepared and keep your wits about you, it can be such an incredible, life changing experience. Whilst I have had some interesting encounters in my travels, I have luckily not been in any dangerous situations where I have felt concerned about my safety * touch wood *. I think the key to feeling comfortable in your solo travel experience is to trust your gut. It is ok to be cautious and curious of the people you meet, and places you go, but you don’t need to completely close yourself off from opportunities that come your way. An unknown man under the influence of substances that breaks into your hostel room during the middle of the night and shines a torch in your face… DANGER. Get out of that situation ASAP Rocky. A lovely group of Austrians you met on a surf camp in Taghazout inviting you to join their desert tour… FRIENDSHIP (and one of the absolute highlights of my Morocco trip).
I find it funny even saying I am a ‘solo’ traveller, because frankly I haven’t really felt ‘solo’ at all. Every place I have gone I have quite quickly met gorgeous people with such similar values and desires to myself, that I have never really felt alone, and have often ended up travelling with these people for portions of my trip.
One recommendation I would make is to not be tight with your money when it could ensure your comfort and wellbeing. Pay the extra twenty for a female-only dorm, book the private cabin on the overnight train, get the Uber home at night. There is no point being stingey when it comes to safety.
“There is no point being stingey when it comes to safety.”
Purchasing a few extra items for safety could also give you some peace of mind. It may sound excessive, but I bought a small safety alarm that attaches to my bum bag, and a glass cover to protect from drink spiking. Honestly, can’t say I used either at all, but having them with me made me (and my family) feel a bit more in control and at ease. Spare locks for your bags, and lockers in hostels etc. are also worth the investment!